Understanding Anxiety
Understanding Anxiety: What You Should Know and How to Manage It
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns today. Individuals across different ages experience it. Anxiety can be scary to say the least. Anxiety is a natural response your body has to stress by responding to potential threats. At one point, it was quite useful. A threat would trigger our fight-or-flight response to keep us alert in dangerous situations. However, in modern day life, this response is no longer needed in the same capacity as before. Sure, we can find ourselves in the wrong part of town or drive in a new part of a city we haven’t been to before and feel anxious, but we no longer have the real threats we had hundreds of years ago. Because of this, our response can become heightened, causing us to feel anxious even in situations that may not warrant a reaction.
When is Anxiety a Problem?
Everyone feels anxious from time to time, it’s normal. When it becomes persistent, intense, and begins to impair our ability to function through our daily activities, relationships, and overall well-being, it may be time to look for help. A mental health professional may be able to provide insight into what you are experiencing and educate you further on the different types of anxiety disorders.
Common Symptoms of Anxiety
Everyone experiences anxiety differently. By understanding common symptoms of anxiety, it may help you recognize it early and seek help if needed. Common symptoms include:
Physical Symptoms: Rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath.
Mental Symptoms: Persistent worry, difficulty concentrating, feelings of dread or like you may die, and persistent overthinking situations.
Behavioural Symptoms: Avoiding specific situations or triggers that induce anxiety, procrastination, seeking reassurance from others, decrease in social contact.
The Impact of Anxiety on Health
Chronic anxiety can have long-lasting effects on the body. Anxiety has been linked with increased risks for heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive issues, and a weakened immune system. Mentally, it can lead you down a vicious path of worry and stress which can begin to affect your sleep, mood, and relationship. This is why it is essential to learn to manage your anxiety sooner.
Strategies to Counteract Anxiety
Managing your anxiety involves developing tools or coping strategies that work for you in order to reduce the intensity and impact of your anxiety. Here are several strategies to help counteract anxiety:
Practice Mindfulness
Challenging Negative Thought Patterns
Relaxation Techniques
Limiting Stimulants, Alcohol, and Fried Food
Establishing a strong support system
Consider Professional Help
Anxiety may be a common experience, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Understanding why we experience anxiety, understanding the signs and symptoms, and taking proactive steps to manage it can greatly improve your quality of life.
If you struggle with anxiety, feel free to reach out on our services page for a free consultation.